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Monday, June 28, 2010

Personal Questions A

1. Ta-ga Asa Ka?
Where are you from? article used before a name of a place "from" (no specific meaning and can't stand alone)

2. Unsa imong pangalan ? (pa-nga-lan)
What is your name?


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cebuano Numbers

·        When talking about people, things, places, time (days, weeks, months, years) and ideas we usually use the longer Cebuano terms.
·        When talking about money and time (hours) the Spanish terms are used.
Sero, wala                ………              0
Usa, Uno,una (hours)………          1
Duha, Dos                ………              2
Tulo, Tres                  ……..               3
Upat, Kwatro           ……..               4
Lima, Singko             ……..               5
Unom, Sais               ……..               6
Pito, Syete                ……..               7
Walo, Otso               ……..               8
Siyam, Nwebe         ……..               9
Napulo, Pulo, Dyes            ……..               10
With numbers from 11 to billions or to infinity, we usually use the Spanish equivalent rather than the longer Cebuano terms.
Napulo’g usa, Onse                       11
Napulo’g  duha,dose                     12
Napulo’g tulo, trese                       13
Napulo’g upat, katorse                 14
Napulo’g lima, kinse                      15
Napulo’g unom, Disesais              16
Napulo’g pito, Disesyete              17
Napulo’g walo, Diseotso              18
Napulo’g siyam, Disenuybe         19
Kawhaan, Byante                           20
Kawhaa’g isa, Byante Uno           21….

Examples: Using singular and plural words
Ang…. A, the (singular)
Ang mga….the (plural)
(Pronounced as manga)
Usa ka bata….ang bata
(one child, a child, the child)
Duha ka bata…ang mga bata
Two children….the children
·        It is used as a modifier (placed in between number and noun)
·        It doesn’t function as a pronoun YOU,
·        NOT used when talking with money
Some nouns                     
baso……        glass 
pagkaon…    food

More Exercises:
ENGLISH                                           CEBUANO
1.     2 glasses………….duha ka basong tubig
2.     4 houses………….upat ka balay
3.     11 children…….onse ka mga bata
4.     3 flowers……….tulo ka bulak
5.     5 men…………..lima ka mga lalaki

Cebuano Useful Phrases

Balik               ……….             come back
Dayun            ……….             Come in! (asking someone to go inside your home)
Dugay ko na abot….          I arrived late
Adto na ko   ………..            I have to go now, I’m going now
Nagdali ko    ………..            I’m in a hurry
Humana gyud/jud …..      Just done/finished

Mingaw ko nimo    …..                  I miss you!
Gihigugma ko ikaw….                   I love you (not often used)
Nahigugma ko nimo…                   I’m in love with you! (not often used)
Gikinahanglan ko ikaw/tika..      I need you
Gikinahanglan ko ikaw sa akong kinabuhi…. I need you in my life

Nalipad ko tungod nimo  ……      I’m happy because of you.                     
Gwapo kaayu ka    ………              You’re so handsome.
Gwapa kaayu ka     ……..               You’re so beautiful
Maayu na ka mo storya…..          You speak very well
Pag-amping             ……….             Take care! (closed people, lovers, family)
Ayu-ayu                    ………              Take care (common for everyone)
Pag-amping kanunay…..              Take care always.

Cebuano Adjectives

Adjectives: Opposites

POSITIVE            NEGATIVE                 POSITIVE      NEGATIVE

1.     Duol…..               layu                              near….            far
2.     Mahal…..           barato                          expensive…   cheap
3.     Bag-o…..             daan                             new…             old
4.     Gwapa…             Maut/pangit              beautiful…     ugly
5.     Dako…..              gamay                         big…..             small
6.     Datu……              pobre                          rich…..           poor
7.     Puti……                itum                             white…          black
8.     Buotan..              maldita                       kind….           Unkind/mean
9.     Sayun…               lisud                             easy….           difficult
10.             tambok…     niwang                        fat….              thin

You can also form a negative word by adding the word dili” before the positive adjective.

dili + positive = negative

            Dili duol         =          layu (far)
            Dili mahal     =          barato(cheap)
            Dili bag-o      =          daan(old)
            Dili gwapa    =          pangit (ugly)
            Dili dako        =          gamay (small)
            Dili datu        =          pobre (poor)
            Dili puti          =          itum (black) or other color
            Dili buotan   =          maldita (unkind/mean)
            Dili sayun      =          lisud(difficult)
            Dili tambok  =          niwang (thin)

Examples of Sentences:  Pattern (Verb-Subject-Object)

1.  duol….layu                     near…far

·        Duol akong balay.  (Near, my, house)
My house is near.
Duol….           Near
akong..          my
            Balay…           house

·        Layu akong uyab. (Far, my,  girlfriend/boyfriend)
My girlfriend/boyfriend is far.
Layu….           Far
akong….        my
Uyab…           girlfriend/boyfriend

Or you can also change the pattern by using Subject-Object-Verb which is still correct and understood but not commonly used.
Ang akong uyab layu.  (My gf/bf is far)

2.  Mahal…Barato             expensive…cheap

·        Mahal ang balay. (expensive, a/the, house)
A house is expensive.
Mahal….        Expensive
Ang…             a/the
Ang balay…  a house/the house

·        Barato ang bugas. (cheap, a/the, rice)
Rice is cheap.
Barato….       Cheap
Ang…             a/the
Bugas….        Rice
3.     Bag-o…..            daan               new…                        old
·        Bag-o akong sinina. (new, my, dress)
My dress is new.
Bag-o….         new
Akong…         my
                        Sinina..          dress

·        Daan akong libro. (old, my, book)
My book is old.
                        Daan…           old
                        Akong…         my
                        Libro…           book

4.     Gwapa…            pangit                       beautiful…   ugly
·        Gwapa akong amiga. (beautiful, my, friend)
My friend is beautiful.
            Gwapa…       beautiful
            Akong….       My
            Amiga…         friend
·        Maut/Pangit  si Jane. (ugly, Jane)
Jane is ugly.
            Maut/pangit  ugly
            Si…                  an article used before a name

5.     Dako….. gamay                       big…..                        small
·        Dako akong tiyan. (big,my, stomach)
My stomach is big.
            Dako….          Big
            Akong….       My
            Tiyan…           stomach

·        Gamay akong kwarto. (small, my, room)
My room is small.
            Gamay…       small
            Akong…         my
            Kwarto…       room

6.     Datu…… pobre                                    rich…..           poor
·        Datu si Warren Buffet. (rich, si +name)
Warren Buffet is rich.
            Datu…            rich
            Si….                An article
·        Pobre si Angelita. (poor, si +name)
Angelita is poor.
            Pobre…         poor
7.     Puti……  itum                           white…         black
·        Puti si Cisco. (white, si +name)
Cisco is white.
Puti…             white

·        Itum si Kobe Bryant. (black, si + name)
Kobe Bryant is black.
Itum…            black

8.     Buotan.. maldita                     kind….           Unkind/mean
·        Buotan si Cisco. (kind, si + name)
Cisco is kind.
Buotan          kind

·        Maldita si Susan. (mean, si+name)
Susan is mean.
Maldita…      mean/unkind

9.     Sayun…  lisud                           easy….          difficult

·        Sayun ang Cebuano. (easy, a/the, Cebuano)
Cebuano is easy.
Sayun            ….        Easy

·        Lisud ang Chinese.             (difficult, a/the, Chinese)
Chinese is difficult.

10.           tambok…niwang   fat….              Thin
·        Tambok si Oprah.
Oprah is fat.
Tambok         fat
·        Niwang si Celine Dion.
Celine Dion is thin.
            Niwang          thin

Asa (Where)

Lesson 5: Using the word “ASA”


1.     Asa ka karon?  (Where are you now? )
2.     Asa ka gikan? (where have you been?) (Where did you go/ come from)
3.     Asa ka adto? (Where are  you going?)
4.     Asa imong balay? (where is your house?)
5.     Asa imong mama? (Where is your mother?)
6.     Asa imong papa? (Where is your father?)
7.     Asa imong gitara? (Where is your guitar?)
8.     Asa si Nerissa? (Where is Nerissa?)
9.     Asa ang paradahan sa bus? (Where is the bus station?)
10.                        Asa imong uyab? (Where is your boyfriend/girlfriend)


Now, today, at the moment
have been to/went/came from